Thursday, November 18, 2010

Watching Out For You

Hello? Police? Hi, my name is Tyler Stockton... Yes, I’d like to report a missing person... Name? Emily Janet Durben... Her hair? It’s blond, a really light blond. Straw colored, I guess you could say. Just past shoulder length and straight. She normally wears it down... Eyes? Brown, kind of a light brown, with green flecks. She’s a little short, slender, and I guess you could say she looks sort of athletic.

Oh. When I last saw her, um, a white t-shirt with "cutie" written on it in light blue. The “I” was dotted with a little heart. And she had on straight legged genes, the dark ones, not the light blue type. And boots. She normally wears white sneakers, but she was wearing brown boots instead, with tan fur at the top. Tan pom-poms too. Actually, I think she had a purple jacket too, but she wasn’t wearing it. She almost never wears jackets.

Hu? Well, she’s at the skating rink a lot, the one by Bethany Park. She has figure skating lessons Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 4:00 to 5:30. Actually, her coach normally lets her go early on Fridays, like at 5:15ish. And then school, of course. She goes to Maple Ridge High. I have her class schedule if you need it… No? You sure? OK.

Um, she’s around her house a lot too, of course. She lives at 764 North, Mayflower Drive. It’s sort of a medium sized house, white with a dark brown roof and a nice lawn and little rosebushes in the—

Oh, right. Yes, of course you’ll be able to find it by the address. Right, sorry.

What?... No! I’m not related to her.

From school, sixth period math. If you’d let me give you her schedule you would’ve known that. She always answers the geometry questions, but she—

Last time I saw her? Yesterday. At 3:33… yeah, right after school.

I really don’t know why her parents haven’t called about her being missing.

What do you mean how do I know?! She wasn’t at school today!

No, she never misses! She has perfect attendance.

No, I don’t think she’s sick. I checked. She wasn’t in her room and the bed was all made and everything, and if you’re sick enough to stay—

Oh. Well, it’s kind of hard because her room is on the second floor. But her neighbors have this great tree. It’s a really easy climb...

Known her? Three months, one week, and four days. I could tell you the hours too, but I figure—

Why would you need to come to my house?... Well, I suppose so, if you think it would help… I live at 769 North, Brickey’s Lane. One street over from her and five houses up.

Yes, alright. See you in a moment then, officer... Yes, thank you, bye.

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