Friday, October 8, 2010

The Entrance

The small room feels black and empty after you turn out the lights, but they are standing somewhere nearby in the darkness and reassure you that it won’t be dark for long.

They’ve been telling you other things too, but you still don’t understand why they brought you here, or what you are supposed to be doing. They say that it will be well worth your time, and you believe them because they’re your friends, and they are good people.

There is the buzz of a zippered bag and something that sounds hollow and metallic is placed on the floor. Some scuffles, then, all at once, the middle of the empty room is set ablaze. You have to squint to see anything near the long, blue column of light, but it is very localized and lets the corners of the room remain black. The light pulses quietly and its glow makes everyone’s skin look pail and slightly alien. You are about to ask some of the many questions that are flooding into your mind when Kenny steps forward and proceeds to walk through the shaft. Only, he doesn’t come out the other side.

Others go as well, and all of them disappear. They soon command you to follow the others and will not listen to your panicked protests. They try to remind you of the trust you’ve had in them, and promise that it’s nothing harmful. You hardly see their faces, your eyes are fixed on the light, and as you stare into it a strange thing happens. A feeling of persisting curiosity begins to prod you and though a part of you protests you are overwhelmingly intrigued with the dazzling glow. Your friends plead with you one last time to “just try it”.

Against your better judgment you step through.

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