Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby Kitties

Mommy says
We are going to my neighbor’s house
To see new baby kitties.
The wheels on my trike
Make funny noises against
My neighbor’s rocky driveway.
Then I go in with my mommy
And there’s a paper box
With funny noises coming from it.
They sound squeaky
Like my bath toys.
I walk over to see inside
And there is pink and white and grey
Roly poly things all next to
The most cutest kitty ever
And I say, “What are these?”
And stick my finger out at them.
“Those are the baby kitties,”
Says Mommy.
I feel a tickle in my insides
And laugh.
“Those aren’t kitties,”
I says,
“No fur!”
“They are too little to have much fur,”
Says Mommy.
I poke one and it is soft
Like our new baby brother
And the mommy cat is mad so I
Poke a different one
And the mommy cat is mad
So I almost poke her
But my mommy says to stop
And I am good
So I stop.
When we leave
I ask Mommy when the babies
Will turn into kitties.
Mommy says in
Some days
and maybe
I will have one of them.

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