Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I definitely am a gamer, but I never play at school, anything computer there is painful. To many people, to many eyes. I can’t get away with anything. Even typing’s bad there. It’s not like I didn’t learn, I had to at one point, but it’s been so long now all I can do is hunt and peck. It makes me feel like an idiot. Here’s this computer genius, this total geek, typing slower than your typical third grader.

But then I think of when I was first learning to type the way I really do, and how all my thoughts used to spill out onto the page. I’ve got all that down now, all tamed with practice, and now I only dump words down like that when I actually want to, like if I’m getting a really amazing idea, or when I just need to brainstorm. Then I reach into my pocket and settle my hand against my iPhone. Touch screens are incredibly easy to penetrate and work with, it gives me great control. I find the notes app without really thinking and start letting it flow. All I have to do is keep my hand in my pocket against my partner in crime, and everything else for that matter, because when I touch anything with computer chips and circuits, even if it’s not a touch screen, I’m in complete control. Unless, of course, I get a little to...absorbed.

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