Friday, October 22, 2010

Umbrella Boy

I DID NOT WRITE THIS, my sister did, I did sort of help come up with the story, which is part of why I’m posting it. The other reason is that this kid is one of my favorite characters of all time. Sadly, he was completely borrowed, neither me or my sister came up with the original idea of him. We did change him a bit, though. Any-who, the whole reason for this note is that I didn’t want to accidently be taking credit for things that aren’t mine.

Oh, and the reason I did the pictures is that she did it in this really neat format so that it looks like a worksheet or an assignment or something. You’ll have to click on them to make them big enough to read, sorry.

“Tami! He’s here!”

“I’ll be down there in a second mom!”

Tamela walked down the staircase in her light olive green dress. Her hands where covered with elbow length Wight opera gloves. Braden thought she was beautiful. He pushed his fears and nerves away and held out his hand. She took it and they walked out to the waiting car. They drove for a long while till they reached the creek, Then climbed out of the car, and Braden looked to the sky.

“I wish I had an umbrella,” he said quietly but cheerfully.

Clouds rolled away to reveal a silver moon. A huge black umbrella flew from the moon towards them. He caught it in mid air and popped it open, then set the umbrella upside down on the water, handle up. It looked like a strange cane floating above the surface.

“Shall we?” He asked. Tami grinned as Braden stepped onto the slick surface of the umbrella. He held out his hand and helped her step onto it with him. They sat and Braden shoved off the bay with his foot. The two sailed in their umbrella-boat under an arch of trees. As they passed under the dormant branches they exploded into pink blossoms, leaving a magical trail behind them.

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