Monday, November 29, 2010

How Charming

Just so all of you know I DID NOT WRITE THIS, my sister did this one too. It's a skit. Once again not wanting to accidently be taking credit for things that aren’t mine. I did edit and help a little, though. Not much, but still... enjoy!

Sleeping Beauty
Random customer (Charming, double-cast)


Random customer: jeans and the shirt will be under a barber’s bib so he can ware his price shirt
Sam: plain colored t-shirt and jeans black/blue and a black apron with big pockets filled with hair supplies.
Cinderella: large blue princess dress and crown, hair in bun
Sleeping Beauty: not as puffy, pink dress and a small gold triangle in hair
Rapunzel: Large puffy dress of any color
Charming: the classic Disney prince costume, poofy pants, tights underneath (a must), and a tunic with puffy sleeves, plus a cape (also a must)


The skit takes place in the hair salon that Sam works at. There is a large mirror sits up left stage. Just in front of the mirror is a small work table with hair care supplies on it. There are three chairs in center stage, a small table by them on witch to set thing.

(Customer X is in a chair and Sam is behind him doing hair. They are at center stage in a spotlight.)

Customer X: So, Sam, how’s your week been?

Sam: You would not believe what happened yesterday afternoon! (Pause.) You know that one street just past Curry Lane, with all those castles on it?

Customer X: Yeah.

Sam: There are these three major ditzes that live there. So they all came in yesterday, and they were talking (walks away and the spotlight follows and he comes to down left and behind him X is in darkness and taken off stage. Cinderella takes his chair and the other two roll in on their chairs. All are in barber bibs. Meanwhile Sam is in the spotlight)

Sam: Apparently they were all going to get married this weekend. They were all talking about how they met their fiancés. (As Sam walks back to center stage the spotlight fades. The stage is lit. All the girls are talking and giggling.)

Cinderella: I can’t believe we are all getting married on the same weekend! (All giggle.)

Rapunzel: I know! What a coincadink, right? (Sam rolls his eyes.)

Cinderella: I remember the day he proposed. He said the funniest thing!
Rapunzel & Sleeping Beauty: What did he say?

Cinderella: As he was slipping on my shoe—which I had left at the ball, clumsy me—I said, “Does this mean we’re gonna get married?” And he said, “If the shoe fits wear it!” (All giggle.)

Sleeping Beauty: I remember the day my prince came to rescue me! It was my birthday and I had just sat down to do some spinning on my spinning wheel when I fell asleep. You see, I have a terrible case of narcolepsy.

Rapunzel & Cinderella: What’s narcolepsy?

Sleeping Beauty: It’s where you randomly… (Falls asleep and starts snoring loudly.)

Rapunzel: What is narcoripsy, anyway?

Cinderella: I think I read a book on it once. Oh wait, I don’t read! Except magazines, of course. And then I only look at the pictures! Oh my gosh, that Justin Beiber kid!

Rapunzel & Cinderella: So hot! (Giggle.)

Rapunzel: Wait. What were we saying? Oh yeah! What’s narwimsy, Sam?

Sam: .(in an annoyed voice) Narcolepsy. It’s this thing where you randomly fall asleep.

Rapunzel & Cinderella: Oh!

Sleeping Beauty: (Wakes up. Yawns.) Oh. Sorry about that. What was I saying? Oh, yes. When I woke up he was right there staring into my eyes. And we just knew!

Cinderella: Oh, that is so romantic!

Rapunzel: Not as romantic as my rescue! I was sitting in my tower one day, when along comes my prince! “Let down your hair, Punzie!” he said. “Oh, anything for you, baby face!” I said. As they say, the rest is biology.

Sam: History, you mean. The rest is history.

Rapunzel: Right, whatever. Anyway, that’s why I’m here, to get all that hair cut off. I do think Sam did a rather good job, don’t you? (Looks into a hand held mirror and poofs her hair)

Sleeping Beauty & Cinderella: Fabulous!

Sleeping Beauty: It’s really great, Sam!

(still annoyed) Thanks.

Cinderella: I am just so excited! I’m picking up my dress after this!
Sleeping Beauty: Really? I’m picking up my flower arrangements. (They giggle and talk randomly about wedding plans. Meanwhile Charming walks in.)

Charming: I’m here for my appointm…(Sees girls. Says, startled:) Oh... (With surprise/ realization) Oh... (With worry)Oh... Psst, Sam, over here! (Sam walks over.) What are they doing here?

Sam: Oh, Charming, we were just talking about you. I told you to come at eleven. Why weren’t you there?

Charming: I tripped and broke a nail! (Sam gives a look.) It was an emergency! But that’s beside the point! What am I going to do?
Sam: They’re your problems, not mine. (Charming walks on stage carefully, hiding behind the work table.)

Cinderella: Charming! It’s you! I’m so looking forward to this weekend! (Winks and blows a kiss.)

Sleeping Beauty: What’s going on this weekend?

Cinderella: (Jumps up and links arms with Charming.) We’re getting married, of course!

Sleeping Beauty: That’s hippopotamus!

Rapunzel: I think she means rhinoceros.

Sam: She means preposterous.

Sleeping Beauty: That’s what I said.

Cinderella: How can you marry all three of us?

Rapunzel: At the same time!? (Pause.)

Sam: He can’t. (The girls scream and cry.)

Cinderella: (Unlinking from Charming) I thought you meant it when you said that I was your only triple-decker cake with frosting on top.

Rapunzel: You called me your only triple-decker cake with frosting on top!
Sleeping Beauty: (Standing up.) I didn’t get any frosting!

Charming: You were…asleep.

Sleeping Beauty: Oh. Oh, good. You had me scared for a minute there.

Rapunzel: But you’re gonna marry me, right?!

Cinderella: Don’t be silly. He’s going to marry me! Everyone knows that I’m the one with the fairy godmother.

Sleeping Beauty: He’ll marry me! I’m the one with the looks!

Rapunzel: I cut off all my hair for you! I better get my reward! (All start crying etc. and start pushing Charming off stage left. Sam hurries and takes the bib things off the girls and is putting stuff away when they are all gone. A spotlight shines on Sam, who walks to down left.)

Sam: I haven’t seen Charming since then. Last I heard, Cinderella got a hold of her fairy godmother and she turned him into a frog. He’s probably sitting in a swamp somewhere trying to catch the eye of another lovely, empty-headed princess. (Walks to middle stage where Customer X is waiting.)

Customer X: That’s pretty crazy.

Sam: Yeah, I know! I’m just wondering what’s gonna happen next week.

Customer X: What do you mean?

Sam: Well, the Mad Hatter is supposed to come in at two on Thursday, and the Queen of Hearts is supposed to be here at three. But you know the Hatter. He’s always late.

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