Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Seeing Double

I don’t know. I mean, you can’t really understand it unless you’ve experienced it. I even have a hard time really being able pin it down or anything when it’s not going on, like, when I’m not right there in the moment. I guess you might try to compare it to looking in a mirror. And it’s like that, sort of. Only it’s totally different. Sorry. It’s hard to explain.

For one thing it’s not flipped like a mirror. You know, like, where right is left and left is right? Like, if I lift both my right hands at the same time they’re on different sides.

That’s the other thing. That would probably never really happen, not unless you planned it, like said “Raise your right arm, OK? Ready? One, two, three, now!” Because there are two of you. And even though they’re both you, you’re two separate people. Does that make any sense? It’s like you’re looking at yourself and it is you, almost like the you in the mirror, but it’s you facing the other direction, so if a cat runs in back of you or something then one you can’t see it but the other you can, so they react different, because they can see it. The cat, or whatever it is. It’s not like an alter ego or anything. It’s you, like, it looks like you and acts like you and thinks like you, because it is you, but it’s a you in another place reacting to that place, that angle. You just react different, cause you experience different stuff. That’s really all it is. It’s just being in two places at once. Like, for real, literally.

But, the two places at once idea, that almost makes it sound simple; it’s not. It’s weird. Like, way weird; like, have you ever had a conversation with yourself? Like, full on, with body language and listening to your own tone of voice and everything, and maybe even shaking your own hand. Of course you haven’t. Because you can’t really do that without multiplying, without really having your physical self right there, right out in front of you, not just the copy-cat in the mirror. You can only imagine what it’s like, like, to have your thoughts, your feelings, being said to you, and you mostly know what you’re going to say, but sometimes you surprise yourself. You can only imagine it.

Can you? Imagine it?

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